About LKJ Financial
We are a comprehensive wealth management firm, inspiring investors to become informed so they can make sound financial decisions that are in their best interest.
“One area where our firm really provides value is teaching people the right questions to ask and how to get all of the relevant facts on the table before making major investment or financial decisions” ~ Lindsey James-West, Managing Partner
The first stage of a relationship with LKJ Financial involves us taking the time to listen to and understand your story. Where have you been, where you would like to go from here, and what makes you financially comfortable. The real questions become:
- “Will I have the kind of lifestyle I want to have if I retire?”
- “How do I take income from my IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) investments?”
- “What pension options make the most sense for me and my family?”
- “Am I on the right track with my investment strategy?”
- “How do I create more tax-free income in retirement?”
- “What kind of planning can I do to avoid becoming a burden on my loved ones?”
By taking time to understand you, we align our advice with your financial and lifestyle needs and aspirations. It’s important that we get to know you and your family. Then, when we meet, you can see how our services directly connect to what’s on your heart and mind.
LKJ Financial is family owned and operated, and has been licensed and doing business in Texas since 1975. Our family took root in the Houston community in 1979. We have a deep appreciation for what it means to be a true neighbor and, since many of our clients are local, we connect on both professional and personal levels. In addition to our firm’s local Houston team, we are supported by securities back offices in California, Florida and Pennsylvania as well as an insurance back-office in Kansas.
LKJ Financial is also supported by institutional level asset managers, insurance professionals, CPAs, estate, business and tax attorneys and charitable planning professionals. Using a collaborative approach, our team will analyze your current financial situation and suggest potential areas for improvement, helping you develop a blueprint for your financial future.
Our combination of resources and experience along with tailored approaches and personal attention have earned us clients’ trust for over 40 years.
Personal Financial Planning
Institutional-level Asset Management
Client Service and Fiduciary Advice
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